Category: Operations

A destructive evening!!

We have taken XA310 apart and loaded it onto its trailer, taken the cab off the Babe winch so we can get to the clutch, disconnected the battery to the Brut so we can fit a battery isolator. In fact Andy has taken a few extra redundant bits of metal off the Babe with his […]

Sedbergh and Al Stacey’s MKIII pass CofA

Yes, both of the aircraft passed their CofA today. They both then flew 11 launches that afternoon. Thanks to those that helped with the aircraft and evening flying. Just got the following email !!!! “XA310 was not the MkIII I first went solo on which was WT898 on 24/06/1973.However XA310 was the first MkIII I […]

Summer has finally arrived.

Thirty launches last friday with probably the most half-hour flights we’ve seen in one day. The airfield was bathed with warm evening sun, and the smell of char grilled burgers on the BBQ. Let’s hope that the sun stays through to this Friday. The C of A will be done this weekend too.

MK3 arriving today!

Al Stacy’s MK3 is arriving today, it will be getting its C of A done at the same time as our aircraft. I’ve been told we get to keep it for a month in return. If you haven’t flown one before – have a go!!

More fantastic Summer soaring.

4300′ on the first lauch of the day. Al Stacey in the MK3 was realeased from his aerotow out of Keevil just over Hullavington. his first words after landing alongside the launch point were “I must be either mad or stupid!” The MK3 will now be with us for the next couple of months – […]

Adam has fixed the Peugot – Thank You!

The airfield Peugeot is once again up and running, however, there is a catch. After replacing the two front brake calipers ( courtesy of Dorset Fire and Rescue !) A hydraulic leak was discovered the from the rear, not only that the rear bleed nipples have also sheared and are not as straight forward to […]